When it comes to writing for the web, it’s an entirely different kind of writing.

When you go to uncover the writing for the web best practices, it’s important to be aware of the differences between writing for the web and other types of content you have written before. 

Not to mention, there is no shortage of competition for our attention these days. We get notifications from our mobile apps on our phones, we get email newsletters we subscribe to and, of course, we have numerous browser tabs open on our desktops all day long. The big question is how do we make our websites stand out among all the noise?

Don’t worry!  I’ve got you covered when it comes to writing for the web best practices so you can attract even more clients.

Here are a few writing for the web best practices to get you started. 

Less is more

With people’s attention spans getting shorter and shorter, I stick to the old adage that less is more when it comes to writing for the web best practices. I suggest upping the visual aspects of your website and keeping your words to a digestible amount. It’s easy to want to tell your whole story on your website, but trimming copy down keeps potential clients wanting to know more. 

Yes, tell them all the important information, but a little mystery can be a great motivator to reach out to you.  They will want to learn more about you, what you do and how you can make their lives better. That’s when they will take that powerful call to action you’ve given them. 

Make it Scannable

Another way to fight against information overload is making your website scannable. Breaking website copy down into bite sized chunks makes it so much easier to remember. That’s the goal: We want potential clients to remember your website.  You can do this through:

  • Powerful, clear and concise headlines 
  • Breaking the information up with Subheadlines
  • Using bullet points (do you see what I did there….)

This still gives your prospects all the information they need without making them pause too long during their busy day. Potential clients will appreciate how quickly you can get them from point A to your call to action.  Make it easy!

Highlight Benefits over Features

My final writing for web best practice might make you cringe. I know. It is super tempting to want to drill down on all of the amazing features, hows and whys of what you do. After all, you know your business better than anyone, and it is a challenge to pare it back. 

I get it. I feel that way too. But aren’t we in business to serve others? So take a moment  to highlight and focus on the benefits over the features. Show your potential clients how their lives will be transformed by working with you!

The best part of all of these writing for the web best practices? You don’t have to do this alone.

That’s why I created the Website Blueprint, a DIY course where I walk you step by step to getting your messaging right so that you can attract more clients with a  website that does the selling for you – AND it comes with a fill-in-the-blanks business website template.