People in business talk about SEO, or search engine optimization, all the time when it comes to digital marketing. Sometimes it appears as this big mystery that seems like an uphill battle against search rankings, but this local SEO guide shows how simple it can be.

I bet you find yourself asking, “Does SEO really matter?” 

YES! It does! It’s how you can show Google what you do and who you help, so that it ranks you higher for searches related to your products or services.  But not all SEO is created equally. For most small businesses, it’s more important to focus on local SEO. It’s much easier to begin ranking when you’re only competing with companies and websites in your local area (not the entire country or world).  This leads to  a bigger ROI (return on investment) of your time and money. . Plus, it’s simple, and I’m here to help you out by providing this Local SEO guide. 


What is local SEO, really? 

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the first major domino that is going to inspire potential clients to check you out. 

Your website can be your best selling tool. It can be beautifully designed and the content thoughtful and clear, but if you don’t get it in front of the eyeballs that need to see it all you’ll hear will be crickets. 

A strategic SEO plan, will use every listing, review, piece of relevant content, backlink and keyword to elevate your website in Google’s rankings to tip that first domino in your favor so that your site is seen.

How does local SEO work on Google? 

Why do we usually search in Google for a product or service? We have a problem, and we are searching for the solution. We want someone to fix our pain or help improve our lives, right?

Google uses crowd sourced data points to determine which sites would be the best site to sooth our pain or to fix our problem. So the better reviews, relevant content, keywords, etc you have in connection with your business the higher your ranking will be on Google, and the more people will see your website.

But you’ve probably heard the ranking system changes all the time. Thanks, Google! But it’s only because Google wants you to be the most authentic you on the internet. It doesn’t trust just anyone because there are so many people out there trying to cheat the system. That’s what can make SEO planning a challenge. But that’s why it makes sense to have a digital marketing partner who keeps up with the changes and makes sure you’re doing it right. You have a lot on your plate, you don’t have to add your SEO strategy. 

Why we favor local SEO 

Especially now, people want to support local businesses whenever they can. People want to work with people who are geographically close. This bonds us and makes us feel like a part of the community. 

So when your potential clients search locally for the solution to their problem, you want to be in the top 3. Instead of competing nationwide for clients, you’re better off to stay focused in your immediate area. That is much more doable! 

On the fence about if local SEO is important enough to make it a priority?

Here are a few guiding questions that might help you make the decision: 

  • Where do your potential clients search for your products or services? Do they search on Facebook? Or are they probably searching on Google, Bing or Yahoo? 

If they most often use search engines like Google—SEO will help you get found by people already searching to buy from you! 

  • When do your potential clients search for you? Is your product or service something someone might pick-up on a whim—like a candy bar or magazine in the grocery store line. 

Or is it something they seek out when they actively need it—like a plumber, party planner or a restaurant?

  • What are you missing out on by not implementing an SEO strategy? How much money could you be making if your phone was ringing on a consistent basis with leads coming to you? 

How much time, energy and stress could you save? 

If your potential clients are searching for services and products, SEO will definitely help. Imagine you are a plumber. There’s been a time or two when I’ve frantically searched for a plumber before my bathroom flooded. In that panic, a person is going to pick one of the top choices that come up in their search. I want that to be you and your business! 

If you want to dig in a little deeper, and learn the 1, 2, 3 set it and forget it process of getting your local SEO set up check out my free video series, Rank Like the Big Brands. In it you’ll learn the most simple and effective way to increase your ranking on Google! All in 3 simple, actionable steps. Learn the best, simplest and most effective SEO strategy in just minutes!