Trust is a key element in how to write website copy that will get you that first call from a potential client. After all, people like to do business with people they know, like and trust. 

By learning how to write website copy people trust, you will become someone potential clients know, like and ultimately want to work with. That’s always the goal! 

Building trust with clients through your website copy can take time, but it is totally doable. It’s definitely worth the effort if it means your potential clients visit your website and actually move forward with your powerful call to action. 

Website copy that builds trust: Start with a transformational headline.

To start with how to write website copy that builds trust, people want to know what’s in it for them. They want to know how working with you or buying your product is going to make their lives better? 

To answer this question, I suggest starting with a transformational headline that really paints a picture of your ideal clients’ dream outcome. What will their results be if they work with you? Draw them in and make it worth their while. This is just the beginning of the journey with you.

Website copy that builds trust: Take your potential clients on the journey. 

Next, this is the fun part, take your potential client on your journey through your program.  Why not give them the dream road map to success? You know that your program works, and through your website copy, you can assure potential clients it will work for them.  This is where you show them the ‘how.’

Have you ever noticed that many websites talk about the process, tools, framework or blueprint they use? Let’s be honest, it can be easier to trust the process more than a person or business they don’t know. Help your potential clients understand what their journey with you will look like. You can let them get to know you better once they make that call to learn more. 

Website copy that builds trust: Provide social proof. 

People take the opinions of others very seriously when they are considering purchases. Think about the last time you went out to dinner. I bet you checked those Yelp reviews before you picked out a restaurant, right? 

Same goes for your business. Your potential clients want to know that other people who came before them were successful. Show them that your services work by providing testimonials, reviews and other types of social proof. Video testimonials are huge right now, but all forms of social proof are a great way to build trust. 

If you’re just starting out, and you’re worried about getting social proof right away, not to worry! Here’s a bonus tip: You can start by doing a beta test. Gather a few people (it’s okay if it’s your friends and family) and take them through your services. You can offer your services or program at a discounted rate in exchange for positive social proof. 

Then you can sprinkle it strategically throughout your website, which is something I show you in our course The Website Blueprint. I will also walk you through the rest of these tips and so much more so that you can create a website that builds trust with your ideal clients and does the selling for you!