If you own your own business, then you are very aware of how important each individual sale is. While this may not be noticeable for larger businesses, they make a big difference for small businesses.

As a result of this, you will want to ensure you are doing all you can in order to secure as many sales as possible. This is one of the best ways to expand your business, and in turn, increase your profits.

12 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need a Website

There are many things to take into consideration when you own a small business, and setting up a website is certainly something you will need to do to take your business to the next level.

If you are still unsure of whether this is something your business will benefit from, this is the best article to read.

In this article, we will be talking you through 12 reasons why small businesses need a website, to help encourage you to set up your own.

1. Showcases Your Business

To begin with, a website allows you to showcase your small business. While there are other ways of doing this (such as through traditional advertising and social media), a website should always be a main focus where possible.

It is a platform where you can include all the information your customers and clients will need to look at. It’s accessible and an easy way for them to contact you to find help when needed.

When you are setting up your business website, you will want to include a simple layout, so that your customers can navigate everything easily and successfully.

The easier the website is to use, the more likely it is that your business will be successful when aiming to increase sales.

2. Allows People To Find Your Business

The second reason why you should own a website for your business is to allow others to find your business. This is very important if you are looking to increase the amount of customers or clients you have.

While customers can find your business through social media, a store, general advertising and word of mouth, you will want a place they can visit online. A website is the best option for this.

While social media is useful, it doesn’t allow you to customize your page in the same way that a website does. A website can be curated and created specifically for your business, to reflect it in the best way possible.

The easier it is for people to find your site and contact your business, the more sales and service you will begin to generate.

3. Allows Potential Customers To Browse Your Services

A website is almost like an online brochure for many businesses.

When thinking about clothes websites or online stores, how many times have you personally browsed a website to see what they have to offer? The likelihood is that you have done this fairly often.

Nowadays, visiting an online store is far easier and more convenient than visiting a physical store.

This is why many people prefer online shopping. As a result of this, you will want to adapt your business to ensure that your customers can shop for your products and services online as well.

In addition to this, small businesses are typically confined to one area.

By having a website that people from different towns and cities can order from, you will be able to increase your customer base and further improve your sales.

4. Increases The Credibility Of Your Business

When it comes to your business, you need to ensure that you have a high amount of credibility. If potential customers or clients are unsure of whether or not your business is credible, this will impact their decision to use your business.

People typically need to feel confident when they put their trust in a business. As a result of this, you need to ensure your business is as credible as possible. The best way to do this is by setting up a professional website.

Having a website that people can look through and check ensures that people are aware of how credible your small business is, which is crucial. Things such as secure payments, verified social media accounts, and contact details, can also help to increase your credibility.

5. Advertising Purposes

The beauty of having your own business website is that you can use it for advertising purposes. This is very useful because it means that you can showcase the parts of your business you feel are important.

While we would always recommend using as many types of advertising as possible, using your own website is one of the best and inexpensive ways to do this.

Why Small Businesses Need a Website

You can control what you advertise and you can tailor the ads for specific purposes and deals you may currently be offering.

Advertising is such an essential part of a business that you need to utilize to ensure that you are getting the most out of your products, services and potential sales.

6. Helps To Increase Popularity

Websites are a fantastic way of increasing your popularity and presence as a small business. They allow customers who would not necessarily have found your website, to find it and access it.

It increases in popularity as a result of this. Websites are so easy to share with others, and if customers are able to access a business online, they will be more likely to want to use the business.

Popularity is important as this will lead to a potential increase in sales. The more popular your business is, the more traction and attention it will get from other customers too, which is something to keep in mind.

Without a website, you are limiting the amount of popularity your small business can gain.

7. Allows You To Keep Up With Competitors

Nowadays, the vast majority of businesses have websites. As a result of this, your own business should also have a website.

This will help to ensure that you are keeping up with your competitors, and that they are unable to have that edge over your business.

You want to reach as many people as possible, which is something that you can do through your site.

As a business owner, you will want to be improving your website often to make it as accessible and interesting for potential customers.

We would recommend taking a closer look at competitor sites to see what they are doing in order to be successful.

While you never want to copy a site, you can take inspiration from sites and build on this to improve on for your own sites.

8. Allows You To Offer Customer Help And Support

Having a website means that your customers can receive help and support as often as they need it. As a business, help and support is critical to provide. Without this, you risk losing your loyal customers.

The more ways a customer has to contact your business with their queries, the more satisfied they will be with the service they receive.

While a phone number is useful, a website can provide things such as live chats and emailing options for customers that don’t want to contact you in person or over the phone.

In addition to this, things such as frequently asked questions (FAQs), are useful to include. This allows your customers to find and access all the information they require easily, without too much effort on their behalf.

9. Inexpensive To Set Up

The beauty of setting up a website is that they are inexpensive to create. As a result of this, it is something you will want to utilize as much as possible. After all, it’s a wasted opportunity if not used.

Reasons Why Small Businesses Need a Website

Websites can be set up for free (or for a small fee), depending on the hosting site you use, and the purpose of the website. We would recommend taking time out to research the option to find out which is the best website for you and your business.

In many respects, setting up a website can be a cheaper option, as it allows you to sell your products personally, rather than relying on other sites that may potentially take a cut of your profits.

10. Expands Sales

As we have already touched upon, small businesses need websites because they can help to drive and expand sales.

Through the internet, you can reach more customers than you previously would have via your own store or social media. It allows you to fully expand your horizons, and you will be able to send your products to different locations.

11. Increases Customer Reviews

By setting up a website, you can ask and encourage customers to leave reviews of your products and services. This is so important, especially for small businesses as it increases interest in your products.

In addition to this, it also helps to improve the credibility of your business.

Customers rely on other customers’ opinions and reviews, and this can greatly influence whether they choose to commit to your business.

As a result of this, you will want to include real reviews on your site and be as transparent as possible about people’s thoughts and opinions.

12. Allows The Business To Run Smoothly

Last, but certainly not least, small businesses should have websites because it allows their business to run smoothly.

Setting up a website helps you to stay organized and keeps everything you need in one place. This can include schedules, sales, customer details, and everything your small business needs.

Being organized is essential, especially when you are running your own business. As a result of this, a website can be extremely useful to set up.


We hope you have found this article helpful. As you can see, there are many beneficial reasons as to why you should set up a website if you own your own business.

Not only will they help to increase your exposure and popularity, but they will help to drive your sales too.

Given that setting up a website for your small business doesn’t have to be expensive, there is no reason why you shouldn’t do this.

Setting up your own site really is a win-win situation, and it will help your business to grow in ways you may not have expected.