So, you’re thinking about setting up your own website. The good news is, whether your website idea is for a blog or a brand new business, there are plenty of tools and services available online to help you get started. 

But wait! Before you start weighing up the most popular website-building software, have you considered hiring a professional web designer?

10 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Web Designer1

There is a range of benefits associated with using a professional web designer to help build your website. From increased site responsiveness to heightened credibility, professional web designers will take your idea and turn it into a functional, high-quality reality. 

In today’s article, we’ll be sharing the top 10 reasons you should hire a professional web designer for your next online project!

1. Enhanced Quality 

This might sound like an obvious point, but that’s why we’re starting out with it. If you pay a professional web designer for their services, you’ll almost certainly end up with a higher-quality website, than if you took charge of the design and build, yourself. 

There are plenty of great website templates out there that will make your website look professional. However, without the ability to code at an advanced level, you won’t be able to make alterations to the template to make your site unique, leaving you in the position of having to choose between originality and quality. 

A professional web designer, on the other hand, has all the tools and skills at their disposal to provide a high-quality design that’s unique to you and your brand. 

2. Appearances 

Our second reason to hire a professional web designer ties into the first, but it’s an important point to consider in its own right. 

When we refer to the quality of a professionally designed website, we’re referring primarily to its functionality. Although you should never judge a book by its cover, the way your website looks will instantly communicate to visitors about the quality of your business. 

In addition to having advanced coding skills, professional website designers need to have a creative flair. This comes in very useful when building a website because you can be sure that the finished site build will reflect its content and feel inviting. 

3. Time-Saving 

One of the major reasons why business owners and bloggers gravitate towards professional website designers is time-saving. 

Designing and building a website from the ground up is a lengthy process, regardless of what skills and qualifications you have. However, if you’re totally new to the site-building game, you’ll probably find that the project takes you much longer than you would have liked. 

Professional website designers are the best at what they do, so they’ll be able to execute your dream website design in a fraction of the time. Not only will the process be quicker overall, but while the professionals are working on your website, you’ll be free to work on other areas of your business or blog! In this scenario, everybody wins!

4. Strategic Design

Going back to the design advantages of using a professional website designer, a professionally designed website will be more strategically aligned with your goals. 

For example, you can provide a professional website designer with an outline of your business model and trust that the completed site will take your future targets into account. 

Becoming a professional website designer is about more than knowing how to code and create an attractive site layout. Website designers need to have a solid understanding of the current digital market and how this impacts online business ventures. 

For this reason, a professional website designer should definitely be your first point of contact if you’re setting up a website for business purposes. 

5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Leading on from our point about website building strategy, one of the main tools that website designers use to ensure the success of your site is SEO. 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it’s by far the most effective way of directing traffic to your site and building up an audience/customer base. 

To cut a long story short, SEO is a strategy that helps to boost your website up towards the top of search engine results through the use of carefully-researched keywords and other content/design choices. This ultimately ensures that more people will view your website since they don’t have to scroll through pages of results to find it. 

6. Reliability 

How many times have you experienced a website crashing on you? It’s super frustrating, and unfortunately, it’s not uncommon. 

A website with technical problems isn’t just annoying and off-putting for site visitors – it’s also a major inconvenience for you as the website owner. Hiccups with your website performance could result in you losing customers and potential revenue. 

Luckily, when you hire a professional website designer, the chances of your website crashing or otherwise technologically malfunctioning are significantly lowered. And if anything does go wrong, you can get in contact with the designers directly as opposed to paying extortionate fees for emergency site repair services. 

While we’re on the subject of reliability, it’s also worth bringing up the issue of security. Professional website design services are much more likely to produce a safe and secure website, which is especially important if your website is a commercial one. 

Reliability is a cornerstone of a successful website, and hiring a professional website designer is the best way to ensure that your site meets this criterion. 

7. Efficiency 

In addition to being reliable (as in, unlikely to crash or cause issues with transactions), your website will also need to be efficient if you want your visitors to stick around. 

When we talk about efficiency in relation to website performance, we’re primarily talking about speed. There’s only so much time in the day, and customers or readers certainly won’t appreciate having to wait for minutes at a time for a page to load. 

If you hire a professional website designer to take care of your site’s design and build, you’ll be able to benefit from plug-ins and other tools that increase the speed at which your site performs. 

10 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Web Designer

8. Responsiveness 

Despite the consistent increase in mobile traffic to all kinds of websites in recent years, many websites are still not designed to be responsive to mobile technology. 

As you can imagine, this is a serious setback with the potential to drive interested visitors and customers away from even the most professional-looking website. 

Unfortunately, many people who choose to design and build their own websites end up with a finished site that can’t accommodate mobile devices. This often leads website owners without a professional breadth and depth of technical knowledge to try and create a separate version of their website for mobile users, which is both time-consuming and unnecessary. 

One of the most beneficial ways in which a professional website designer can help you is by ensuring that your website is compatible with and responsive to mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones. 

9. Advanced Features

We’ve already touched on some of the more advanced site features a professional website designer can provide you with in relation to other advantages of these services. However, the potential for advanced technology is, in itself, a reason to hire a professional. 

Professional website designers have access to skills and tools that will massively enhance the performance and functionality of your website – some of which you may not have even thought of!

For example, your website might benefit from a custom-designed engine that can generate personalized quotes for your customers. For a complete beginner, creating a functional quote engine would be a daunting task, but for a professional, it’s all part of the job! 

Basically, if you have any specific ideas for your website that you’re not sure how to execute yourself, we definitely recommend seeking the help of a professional. 

Even if you don’t have anything in mind yet, it’s still a good idea to book a consultation with a professional design agency because they will be able to make suggestions and shape your image of the finished product with their knowledge of advanced features.

10. Reputability 

If you’re hoping to make money or gain an online following off the back of your new website, you’ll need to develop a good reputation. 

Your reputation as a business owner or blogger will hinge on a lot of factors, from the quality of your products (if relevant) to the way that you interact with your customers or followers. 

With that being said, one of the best ways to build a great reputation in the online world is with a high-quality, reliable, and responsive website. 

If your website gives off a sense of professionalism, is user-friendly, and provides visitors with all the information they’re looking for in an accessible way, you’re much more likely to grow into a reputable business/content creator. 

Professional website designers pay attention to the small details as well as the bigger picture and they will take your site visitors’ needs and expectations into account when designing your website. This gives you a major advantage in terms of reputation because it communicates trustworthiness and reliability. 

Final Thoughts 

Bearing in mind all of the 10 points we’ve covered in today’s article, hiring a professional website designer to take care of your site’s design and build really seems like a no-brainer. 

If you want your site to exude reliability, responsiveness, professionalism, quality, efficiency, and user-friendliness, all of which are key to building a solid reputation as a business or content creator, you should consider professional services. 

With the help of a professional website designer, you can enjoy all of the benefits of a high-quality website without the time and learning commitment, leaving you better able to focus on other areas of your business.